Solomon’s PM meets with Chinese President

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Jeremiah Manale met with President Xi Jian Ping at the weekend and they held very productive talks. The Prime Minister and his delegation are continuing the China trip with a visit to Qingdao, Shandong. During the meeting in Beijing, President Xi emphasized that China views the Solomon Islands as a valued friend, partner, and brother. He also expressed China’s genuine commitment to supporting the development of the Pacific Islands.

The meeting and discussions also focused on China’s wishes to enhance strategic dialogue with the Solomon Islands, mutually support each other in protecting core interests, and advance cooperation between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Solomon Islands’ development plans. China intends to deepen cooperation with the Solomon Islands in various sectors such as rural development, healthcare, infrastructure, sustainable development, and addressing climate change challenges.

Since the Solomon Islands ended ties with Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with China five years ago, bilateral relations have flourished significantly, with trade between the two countries reaching $540 million last year, marking a 9.6 percent increase from the previous year.

P.M. Manele, who played a key role in the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Solomon Islands and China in 2019, is making his first visit to China as prime minister. Manele expressed admiration for China’s remarkable development achievements during his visit to Fujian province and recognized the extensive cooperation potential between the two nations.

The Solomon Islands has made notable progress in infrastructure development and other areas through its participation in the Belt and Road Initiative, according to Manele. He praised China as a positive model for developing countries and highlighted the significance of initiatives like the Global Development Initiative proposed by President Xi, particularly for smaller nations like the Solomon Islands.

In a joint statement issued after the meeting, both countries agreed to strengthen interactions across all levels and sectors, continue their high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and expand collaboration in culture, health, youth engagement, media, and other fields.